With the advent of globalization, Information Technology, and easy access to the internet, the world is now running at a breakneck pace. Almost every activity we do is, in some or another way, linked with internet usage. When Corona Virus gripped up fear among people and organizations regarding regional work operations, Information Technology became the...
Author: Edmium
What is sandwich course in uk
All about 'Sandwich' courses in the UK Just as the name suggests, a sandwich course is a three-year degree program with an additional year of working or studying abroad. Universities that offer sandwich programs have a two-year study schedule for students at the campus. After two years of study, they allow students to take up...
How to get permanent residency in UK
The UK is a fantastic place to live, learn and earn. United Kingdom is one of the most picturesque places with prosperous British colonies and monumental buildings with impressive architecture. Recently, many people are showing a sense of intrigue to pursue their higher education in the UK. This is because of the UK government’s welcoming...
Understanding Form I 20
Achieving the dream university offer is a strenuous and time-consuming process. Students might assume that their job in completing the admission is over. But no, it is not yet done. Post the hustle and bustle of getting the desired university offer, there is something else that a student must possess to enter the university or...
More often than not, we hear these terms that are associated with applications for universities. But how important are they? Individually, which out of the two has more prominence? Is it sufficient to get into top universities with an excellent GRE score? Is there something else that universities require? Let us get to the answers...
Opportunities & Experiences you can have by studying in Texas or Nevada
Are you a student who is confused about which universities to apply to? Are your options not too many? Do you know that there is much futuristic scope for several universities you didn’t even think of? Read through the article to see that you have more choices than you think of and why! With the...
H1B Visa New Wage Base Rules
The latest move for H-1B visa on January 8th, 2021, The United States of America announced that it will modify the selection process for H-1B visa, giving priority to salary and skills instead of the current lottery procedures. And the govt said the h-1b cap selection visas would priorities higher salaried applicants effectively doing away...
New temporary work permit program by Canada (IRCC) to help international students impacted by COVID-19
Update by Canada (IRCC) In response to the impacts of the pandemic, Canada is launching a replacement program allowing certain recent international students to use for an additional open working permit. The program is only available from January 27 to July 27, 2021. Many international students prefer to stay in Canada permanently after they complete...
Guide to Scholarships for International Students
Almost everyone dreams of studying abroad at a good university. Sometimes, this thought might not seem very pragmatic due to affordability issues. If you are there, don’t worry. Governments and private universities across the world offer scholarships on various grounds. If you are from India, there are many scholarship programs like Erasmus Mundus Joint Master...
COVID-19 Updates from Top universities to Study Abroad
The year 2020 has been really tough for everyone and seemed more rigid for students who dreamed of pursuing higher education abroad. With regulations changed, the admission process varied, students are facing much confusion regarding the same. Therefore, to clear a few misconceptions and doubts, read through the article. Guidelines for VISA applicants to study...